About Us
As honest landlord, we understand the challenges that come with looking for residential unit rental first-hand whether is condominium, double storey house, single storey house, or shop apartment. Nowadays, tenants expect residential quality amenities, extraordinary personal service and on-call services when complaining for repair - something that can be hard to keep up with when rented the residential unit.
Excelcrop Sdn Bhd was founded in late 2014 with the objective of taking the hassle out of Tenants. We aim to deliver outstanding services to tenants in Klang, Shah Alam, Kajang and other Klang Valley Areas. With an excellent property management services, and a combined experience of over 5 years in the fields of hospitality, we find powerful solutions to the problems that arise for our tenants.
We are established with trustable employees
We provide clean and comfortable units
We solve your house problem at once